During the week of 20 to 25 January 2025, schools across Nottingham will be supporting the Early Help Partnership’s attendance campaign — Miss School… MISS OUT.
During this week, The Bulwell Academy will be:
There is also opportunity to chat to the Education Welfare Service on Tuesday at Bulwell Riverside. Drop in between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.
If you or your child are worried about school attendance, you can always speak to our Attendance Team. You can find their contact details here: bulwellacademy.org.uk/meet-the-attendance-team.
Click on the images below for more information about the week’s activities.
Good attendance at school is crucial for children and young people in Nottingham City. Research shows a clear link between high attendance and educational outcomes, leading to better life opportunities. Additionally, regular attendance benefits young people’s well-being by nurturing long-lasting friendships, engaging in new activities, and learning in a supportive environment.
We understand that many families face real challenges in getting their children to attend school, and many children encounter significant barriers.
The attendance rate in Nottingham City has been below the national average for the last three years, at least. The rate for the year 2023/24 was 92.3% compared to the national rate of 93.3%.
While many schools are running excellent initiatives to boost attendance, a unified campaign across Nottingham City will serve to boost the message that attendance at school really matters!
To find out more about the Early Help Partnership and support for families, please visit: earlyhelpnottingham.org.uk