Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Curriculum Intent: Years 7 to 9

The Bulwell Academy curriculum aims to provide the knowledge and skills that will empower our students to become successful, ambitious and happy adults with the potential to make positive contributions to society at both a local and global level.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is knowledge-rich, centred in literacy and bespoke to the needs and aspirations of the students we serve. It is our intention to expose our students to the most important and influential knowledge, thus empowering them to become experts in the subjects they study.

Underpinning our curriculum are our Academy values: to aspire, work hard and be kind.

The development of character permeates our curriculum so that our students foster intellectual curiosity, ambition and the confidence to not only question the world around them, but to change it.

Curriculum Enquiries

For any Curriculum enquiries, please email Thank you.

What will my child be learning?

To find out more about what your child will be learning as they progress through the school, please click on the Subject headings below. Each of the linked documents will provide you with:

  • an overview of the subject
  • details of topics and projects for each year group
  • links for online resources
  • email address for curriculum lead or subject lead

The curriculum documents below are updated annually, with the date of the last publication being September 2023.

The Bulwell Academy ensures that we make adaptations to the curriculum so that we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We make the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs through effective quality first teaching, scaffolding support through instruction and differentiating work where appropriate. It is the aim of our school that all pupils have access to the same ambitious curriculum. The SENDCO and leaders monitor and evaluate the performance of all relevant pupils, and act accordingly to ensure equitable curriculum access.