Extra-Curricular Timetables

Our Autumn/Winter offer of Bulwell Boost Clubs can be found below. Parents/carers will need to provide consent for their child/ren to attend through the Arbor Parent App. To find out how to create your Arbor Parent Account, please visit: Arbor Parent Portal and App ⋆ Bulwell Academy

Our extra-curricular sessions include Bulwell Boost After-School Clubs, Lunchtime Clubs, Year 10 Curriculum Catch-Up and Year 11 Success Sessions. Most clubs run between 2.50pm and 3.50pm unless stated otherwise. Parental consent must be provided before attending any after-school activity (see What’s on Offer and How to Sign Up in the next section).

Queries regarding extra-curricular activities can be made by email to: enquiries@bulwellacademy.org.uk.

To remove your child from clubs they no longer wish to attend, please email enquiries@bulwellacademy.org.uk.

Attend our Bulwell Boost sessions to connect with friends.

Activities on offer for 2024/2025 include First Story (creative writing), Music Clubs, Games Club, Languages Club, Maths Clubs, LGBTQ+ Club and Wellbeing Club plus a chance to take part in the School Show!

What’s on Offer and How to Sign Up

Our Bulwell Boost after-school clubs can be found in the Arbor Parent App. Clubs commence from 16 September. Find out more here: Letter: Autumn Bulwell-Boost-Offer

View the Bulwell Boost timetable by clicking on the red button below. To sign up to clubs, please provide consent in the Arbor App or Parent Portal.

Bulwell Bucks with Bulwell Boost!

Students can earn 50 Bulwell Bucks (rewards points) for completing their Bulwell Boost Loyalty Card (by attending 10 after-school sessions). Loyalty cards are available to collect from the PE Office.

Students taking part in PE fixtures will also earn 25 Bulwell Bucks every time they represent the Academy.

Lunchtime Clubs: No sign-up required!

Attend our Year 10 / Year 11 Curriculum Catch-Up Sessions to consolidate learning and to complete homework and coursework.

As the academic year progresses, we will introduce a schedule of ‘Drop-in’ sessions for Year 10 and Year 11. If your child is invited to attend any of the sessions or if you feel they would benefit from attending, please sign them up by providing consent in Clubs in the Arbor App: Arbor Parent Portal and App ⋆ Bulwell Academy

Year 11 After-School Masterclasses

To help prepare for the summer exams, please encourage your child to attend after-school Masterclasses. Once available, the schedule of classes will be published here and on the Year 11 page: Year 11 Success (and Exam Information) ⋆ Bulwell Academy

Sign your child up to the Masterclasses by providing consent in Clubs in the Arbor App: Arbor Parent Portal and App ⋆ Bulwell Academy