Learning that is right for YOU!
“We want to send every young person into the world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”
During the Spring term, Year 9 begin the guided process of choosing the subjects they will study in Years 10 and 11. Key dates for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:
A letter will be sent home approximately two weeks prior to the Curriculum Choices Evening with further information.
For any queries about Curriculum Choices, please email jim.brownlow@bulwellacademy.org.uk
Following the Curriculum Choices Assembly, Year 9 will receive a paper copy of the Curriculum Choices booklet so they can begin to explore the choices on offer before the Curriculum Choices Evening.
You can see what this might look like by viewing last year’s offer. The 2025 offer booklet will be published prior to the Curriculum Choices Evening in March 2025.