This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme that has been chosen by the Mental Health Foundation for 2020 is ‘Kindness’.
‘Kindness’ has been chosen due to the Coronavirus Outbreak, which is having a big impact on people’s mental health.
In these difficult times being kind is something that we can all do and it can really improve our physical and emotional wellbeing . This can be by being kind to yourself, someone you care about or someone you have just met!
If you have carried out any acts of Kindness recently we would love to hear about them. Let us know by emailing:
If you’re worried about mental health, wellbeing, or if you have any questions please speak to an adult that you trust. It might be a Parent, Teacher, Tutor or the School Counsellor.
If you are struggling with your mental health during isolation, please visit our Mental Health & Wellbeing page for details about Email Support, useful information and Apps to support your wellbeing.
Please take part in the Unifrog Wellbeing Challenge below to create your own Wellbeing Timetable.
You can create your timetable however you wish or use the template provided.
Please send your entries to Miss Cooper by Thursday 21 May.