The Bulwell Vlog

12 December 2024

A round-up of this term featuring Year 7’s Taylor Scotcher as Mr Irons’ assistant.

Mr Irons, Head of School, regularly shares updates via letters and briefings with parents and carers to keep you informed of everything that is happening in school. Topics cover our key areas of the Academy Improvement Strategy as well as more general updates regarding events and achievements.

Over time, we have begun to introduce vlogging as a way of keeping you updated. These Vlogs will cover the key points raised in our communications shared with you via email and the Arbor Parent App. You may have seen our previous Vlogs on social media. They are a more informal way of getting our messages to you. We hope to share more Vlogs with you from Senior Leaders as time goes on.

Below, you will find the Vlogs released to date as well as some of our student videos. We hope you find them useful.

Note: This page is in the progress of being updated. Previous videos will be available at a later date.