Literacy Lessons (Years 7 & 8)

For the first half of the year, Literacy lessons are focused on developing reading skills. Students spend half the lesson reading an extract of a text together, making predictions, summarising and inferring. These sessions are structured to ensure that students read a range of different texts from different genres and engage with them on a deeper level.

For the second half of the year, year 8 focus on generic literacy strategies and writing skills whilst year 7 focus on reading fluency and reading aloud.

Accelerated Reader & Sparx Reader

Students in year 7 use Accelerated Reader during their literacy lessons and are encouraged to use this for homework. Accelerated Reader is a website used to assist students with developing their reading skills and tracks their reading progression.

Students in Years 7 and 8 use Sparx Reader in their literacy lessons and are encouraged to use this for homework. Sparx Reader is a reading, comprehension and vocabulary programme that gets all young people reading regularly to help improve their literacy.

We regularly celebrate students’ success through certificates and rewards (such as books) for students who are reaching key milestones on the programmes above.

Students can access Accelerated Reader / Sparx Reader from home using the CET Student Portal.

Year 7: Students choose a book to practice their reading, followed by quizzes and activities to check comprehension.

Click here for more information.

Years 8 & 9: Students choose a book, and Sparx Reader will regularly check their understanding of the story throughout the book.

Click here for more information.