Well done to the Class of 2023. It was wonderful to celebrate with you at #Prom2023 and to see you again today for Results Day. Watch the Prom video below, and click on the link to view the photos from Results Day and Prom! You can find out more about our GCSE success in the Press Release here:
Prom Photos: facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.8109504710324543
Results Day Photos: facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=BulwellAcademy&set=a.810987214362113
If you need any further support regarding your next steps, please get in touch with Miss Cooper or Mr Smith from the Careers Team or our Futures Advisor, Cathy:
Please stay in touch to let us know how you are getting on – sign up to our Alumni Network with Future First today: bulwellacademy.org.uk/main/alumni