Author: Admin S

‘The Addams Family’ School Show

Opening Night

Watch the video to see what a fantastic opening night we had! Several months of hours of rehearsal really paid off. We really do have some incredibly talented students. There was a real buzz in the air and we can’t wait to do it all again! Curtain up is at 7pm tonight. Be sure to get your tickets and find out if Wednesday ever does get her wish!

More Information

THE ADDAMS FAMILY hits the Bulwell Academy School’s stage in February 2025.

The 11th-13th of February 2025 will see the comical feast that is The Addams Family – School Edition hit the stage of the Bulwell Academy for their second ever school musical. The show embraces the wackiness in every family, features an original story and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family–a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before–keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. 

Join us  to see the fateful evening where everything will change for the whole family as they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents.

Tickets on sale, priced at £4 per child and £6 per child, for both stage and tiered seating.


All notices for cast members will be placed outside the Drama Room in D Block.

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

Year 9 parents and carers are invited to book appointments from Monday 8 February using Arbor Parent (look for Guardian Consultations).

It is extremely important that all Parents and Carers attend Parents’ Evening—there is only one opportunity every academic year to discuss progress, so please do make time to attend.

The discussions that take place during Parents’ Evening will begin to determine the options subjects that children will study throughout Year 10 and Year 11. The Options Evening will be held on Thursday 6 March. Further information will follow after half-term.

A guide on how to book appointments for Parents’ Evening can be found below. If you have any issues booking on Arbor Parent, please email

Thank you to those who have already booked. Please arrive 5 minutes before your first appointment. Meetings will take place in the Main Hall and Restaurant.

Exciting Times for Bulwell!

Please click on the link below to read the Bulwell Bulletin with an update from Mr Irons about recognition that the school is receiving on both a regional and national level. If you want to come and join the conversation about our school and become more involved, please join us for our next Parent Forum on 12 February (details in the Bulletin). There’s also a link to buy tickets for our kooky show, The Addams Family, hitting the stage next week! We can’t wait to welcome you through the doors!

Free Online Safety Workshops

Empowering Minds are offering free online workshops for parents and carers.

These sessions aim to provide parents with a comprehensive understanding of the online trends their children may encounter, the popular apps they use, the associated risks, and effective strategies to safeguard them. The workshop will cover several key topics to help parents address the challenges of online safety.

If you would like to attend, please click on your preferred date below to book your session:

Latest Notices

School Show

Tickets now on sale for February’s school musical. It’s going to be amazing. Find out more below.

Exciting Times

Click the link below to read an exciting Bulwell Bulletin as we continue to gain national and local recognition!

Parent Forum

Sign up to attend our next Parent Forum on Wednesday 12 February. Get involved with school life!

Year 9 Key Dates

Book appointments for Year 9 Parents’ Evening on 27 February.

Sign up for Clubs!

Our Bulwell Boost extra-curricular timetable is full of fun! Click on the red button below to find out how to sign up.

Keep up with Homework!

Click on the red button below to find out when homework is due and how to access our online homework platforms.

Most improved school in Nottinghamshire!

POSITIVE NEWS! Well done to everyone who has supported us to become the MOST IMPROVED SCHOOL IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE! Nicole McCartney, Director of Education at Creative Education Trust, said: “Bulwell Academy has made rapid and significant improvements in recent years and it is brilliant to see this being recognised.”

Reacting to the good news, Mr Irons, Head of School, said: “It is an absolute pleasure to lead this fantastic school. We have worked hard to raise standards and expectations across the school and we’ve done so on a foundation of kindness. I want to say a huge thank you to our wonderful staff team, who work tirelessly for the children in our care,”

Read the full article here:

Parent Forum

Throughout the year, The Bulwell Academy holds their Parent Forum – an opportunity to meet with Senior Leaders to hear about areas of the Academy Improvement Plan, followed by a chance for parents to ask questions.

The next Parent Forum takes place on Wednesday 12 February with a choice of two times to attend: 9am to 10am or 5pm to 6pm. There are a further two Parent Forums planned for this year on 14 May and 3 July.

If you would like to attend any of our Parent Forums so that you can be more involved in your child’s school, please complete the online form below. 

Open Mornings

“It is important for parents to be able to hold us to account, and for us to keep communicating with parents. We are looking forward to the next Open Mornings and hope that more parents will take us up on the chance to see Bulwell in action!”

Mr Keen, Executive Principal

Are you interested in attending an Open Morning to see ‘Bulwell in Action’?

If you are excited to see the school in action with students in lessons, we would like to invite you to sign up for one of our Academy Open Mornings. This will include a tour of the school and the opportunity to meet with Senior Leaders and Student Ambassadors. The Open Mornings are open to parents/carers of students in Years 6 to 11.

Book your Place!

The next Open Mornings takes place as follows:

  • Wednesday 7 May, 9 to 10am
  • Wednesday 25 June, 9 to 10am
  • Wednesday 13 July, 9 to 10am

To book your place on one of our Open Mornings, please complete the online form here: