Arrangements for Children of Key Workers (and for Vulnerable Children)


From Monday 23 March The Bulwell Academy will be closed to most students until further notice.

Government advice is for all children to stay at home and refrain from any social contact. However, the school has made provision to accommodate vulnerable children* and the children/wards of key workers.

* Vulnerable children include those who are supported by social care, those with safeguarding and welfare needs, including child in need plans, on child protection plans, ‘looked after’ children, young carers, disabled children and those with education, health and care (EHC) plans.

Please click on the link towards the bottom of this page to read the letter from the Principal clarifying the key worker categories.

For those students of key workers, whom attending school is the only and safest option:

  • The Bulwell Academy will be running normal school hours, with school commencing at 8:30 am and ending at 2:50 pm.
  • Students are expected to wear full uniform and bring sportswear with them (this does not have to be their school PE kit if they choose).
  • Continental breakfast and lunch will be available. However, due to reduced staffing, the food options will be more limited. Therefore, you are welcome to send your child with a packed lunch if they prefer. 
  • Please remind your child that, although we will be running an enrichment curriculum instead of timetabled lessons, our Behaviour Policy still applies and we will contact parents and carers of those children who do not adhere to this policy.

These are difficult times and we thank you for your hard work to keep our community safe.

Should your situation change because you are no longer required to be in work during school hours, and thus our care for your child is no longer required, please contact us at your earliest convenience.

In addition to this, should your child or any member of your household develop symptoms of Covid-19, please continue to follow the self-isolation protocol as set out by Public Health England and our government.

Stay safe

The Bulwell Academy Team

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