Month: December 2020

Covid Update #5

End of Term: Important Update

Please click on the red button below to read an important update regarding the end of term including ‘test and trace’ arrangements and finish times on Thursday 17 December. Friday 18 December is a new staff training day when school will be closed to students.

If your child tests positive for Covid-19 up to Wednesday 23 December, please email to enable the school to trace and call close contacts.

For positive tests from Christmas Eve onwards, please email Attendance with the expected date of return to school, and read the NHS guidance here in relation to helping the NHS alert close contacts.

Covid Update #4

Year 9 & 10 Back to School

We are pleased to be welcoming Year 9 and Year 10 back into school on Monday 7 December.

Students in Year 9 & 10 who are currently self-isolating should remain at home and continue with remote learning if they are well.

Thank you.

Christmas Raffle

Bumper Christmas Raffle 2020

Although we are not able to get together this year for our Annual Christmas Fair, we will still be holding our Bumper Christmas Raffle with ticket sales on ParentPay. All money raised will go to the Bestwood & Bulwell Foodbank to support local families facing financial difficulties.

Click the link below to view our fabulous prizes and find out how to take part.