BTEC Level 1 & 2 Update
Thursday 20 August
Following Ofqual’s announcement on Monday that students were to receive Centre Assessment Grades, the exam board responsible for BTEC qualifications have reviewed the impact on BTEC students. BTECs are structured very differently to GCSEs, and so the approach to awarding in this unprecedented year had also been different. BTECs were not subject to the same statistical moderation process as GCSEs.
However, as a result of their review and feedback from schools across the country, at 5pm last night we received an email informing us that they will now be regrading BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Awards, BTEC Level 2 Technicals and BTEC Level 1/2 Firsts.
We were therefore informed not to issue any BTEC L1 and L2 results today, as these will now all be reviewed and where appropriate, regraded. This means that you have not received a result for any of your BTEC subjects today. Colleges are aware of this situation, but we are happy to support you, if you need us to, to ensure you get your places.
The exam board have assured us that they will work urgently to reissue these grades and will update us as soon as they possibly can. I appreciate this will cause additional uncertainty for you as students and can only apologise for this. We will of course share the results with you as soon as we are able to.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Stopard in school (email: if you have any questions.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.